Writing 3.6 – Write and Wrong

Too many people spout off about too many things about which they don’t know enough.  And then there’s me.  I spout off about things about which I am certain, unlike those fools.  I mean, what do they know?  They’re just uneducated people with uneducated opinions.  Am I right?  Well, sometimes, yeah.  I suppose.  Of the…

Writing 3.2 – “Finding your voice”

One of the greatest compliments I have ever received was from a colleague who had just read one of my sarcastic emails sent to inform the rest of the staff about something unimportant. Sue:  “You will never get away with sending an anonymous letter.” Me:  “Whaddya mean?” Sue:  “Because I don’t even have to look at…

Writing 3.1 – “He said, she said”

  I recently received a rather unexpected comment on something I had written, and I think I did a good job of responding politely.  Like most writers, I greatly look forward to comments, either positive or negative.  Naturally, we like the positive nods because it means, usually, we did something well.  I pause with usually…

– the writing process – step 3: revising

For me, revising is the worst part of writing.  It puts me to sleep, bores me to tears, and leaves a literal pain in my butt and shoulder.  However, without it, stories would suck. Revising mainly involves reading, re-reading, and asking questions.  “Does that make sense?  Will the reader see what I see?”  “He said he…

– the writing process – step 2: writing

When I write a story, specifically fiction, I’m writing a movie.  I assign actors I think could play my characters.  A movie plays in my head.  The chosen actors play the parts.  I watch.  I type what I see.  That’s all I do.  If a scene doesn’t work, I essentially yell “Cut!” and delete/backspace and…