Woodbury Avenue


Woodbury Avenue is my most recent work in progress.  Although it is still a first draft, it is a little more than 84,000 words and 29 chapters.  I began it on June 2, 2013, and finished on July 9.  After gathering hundreds of comments, suggestions, questions, and other things from a group of some fabulous beta-readers, I am now in the process of revising.  In my opinion, it is the best thing I have ever written.  It’s about a stalker in a quiet suburban neighborhood. It is currently being revised and slightly expanded, likely to grow an additional two or three chapters, maybe another 8,000 words.  I hope you have a chance to read and enjoy it.  If you want to read it in its more raw, first-draft form, let me know.

3 thoughts on “Woodbury Avenue

  1. Pingback: Woodbury Avenue – epilogue…ish | brainsnorts inc >.<

  2. Pingback: Writing 4.0 – “So, what do you write?” | brainsnorts inc.

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