Friday Fictioneers – 4/27: Stone

Every Wednesday Riley Wisoff-Fields posts a picture prompt challenging writers to create a 100-word story, poem, or whatever works for you.  After posting your work on your blog,  go back to her site and add your link on her Friday Fictioneers post.  Place.  Page.

Give it a shot.  I prefer to stick to 100 words, but she doesn’t mind either way.  Not everyone has the time to sit and write, revise, edit, revise, edit, etc. until getting it down to 100 and telling everything you want to tell.  I know it’s only Wednesday, but everyone else seems to be in such a rush, so…

Image by Liz Young


A wrinkled man with sparse, gray hair stood with his arms behind him, head lowered, jaw tight. Beside him were his three children but not his wife.

“What a mess. The bench is behind the stone, not in front. Stupid.”

He kicked the ground.

“Can somebody get a rake? Maybe clean up a little?”

He inhaled, exhaled, scratched his chin.

“The stone is crooked,” he barked. “Is that so hard to get it right? Who’s in charge of this place?”

As silently as they had arrived, the children walked away, leaving their father behind.

“And they spelled my name wrong!”


When it started, you were supposed to think it was the wife who had died and was buried. My goal is for you to get to the end and realize you have to reevaluate everything you had just read. Hopefully, it worked. 


26 thoughts on “Friday Fictioneers – 4/27: Stone

  1. I love this guy! His complaints are completely valid. Sad that his wife didn’t visit but she probably had more than enough of his complaints – justified or not – while he was alive. :o)

  2. You are right; I am in a rush – even disabled, not working (40 hours a week), or being gone all the time – I still do not seem to have the time to do what I want when I want to.
    I may yet take back up the 100 challenge. I certainly enjoyed it.
    Glad to see you entering my field of view. Missed you a bit.
    PS- loved the entry!

what say you?